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北京進元科技有限公司是專業的實驗室咨詢、設計和施工公司。公司秉承安全、健康、環保和以人為本的宗旨,致力于推廣專業實驗室的建設理念和技術,向客戶提供實驗室建設的概念設計、規劃設計、實驗室流程和布局設計、工程安裝、調試、設備采購和管理咨詢等服務。公司的業務有兩部分組成。一是實驗室建成前的部分,為客戶提供實驗室工藝設計,以及實驗室工程的安裝、調試和人員培訓;二是實驗室建成后的部分,為客戶提供持續的軟硬件的升級、實驗室維護、實驗設備及其安裝調試以及試劑耗材的提供。 公司匯集了一批高素質、高水平、高效率的科技人才和管理隊伍,堅持走引進吸收與自主開發并重的技術道路,開發了具有水平的實驗室建設流程,為中國石化、中科院、、中國檢驗檢疫、南京大學、上海寶鋼、紅牛飲料、羅地亞制藥等眾多國內外企事業單位的實驗室建設提供了專業的服務,贏得了客戶的廣泛贊譽。公司以自主創新為先導,與國內外實驗室裝備供應商緊密合作,始終密切關注和跟蹤國際實驗室建設的發展動態,準確把握具有國際水平的實驗室設計理念,憑借已有的豐富經驗,致力于構建專業實驗室,全力為保障經濟社會可持續發展和建設創新型國家提供技術支撐。Beijing Jinyuan Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional laboratory consultant, design and construction. Adhering to the tenet of "safety, health, environmental protection and people foremost", the company is committed to promoting professional laboratory construction concepts and technologies, and providing customers with professional laboratory construction services, such as conceptual design, planning and design, laboratory procedures and layout design, engineering installation and commissioning, equipment procurement and management consulting service.The company's business is consisted of two parts. The first part is the preparation for lab construction, providing customers with the laboratory process design, installation commissioning of laboratory works, and staff training; the second part is the services after the completion of laboratory, providing customers with continuous updates of hardware and software, laboratory maintenance, installation and commissioning of laboratory equipment, as well as reagents and materials.The company brings together many talents of high-quality, high-level and high efficiency and an effective management team. Adhering to the principle of attaching equal importance to adopting advanced technological achievements and independent development, the company has developed an advanced laboratory construction process that reaches the domestic advanced level, provided first-class specialized laboratory construction services for many domestic and international first-class enterprises and institutions, such as Sinopec Group, Chinese Academy of Sciences, COFCO, China Inspection and Quarantine, Nanjing University, Shanghai Baosteel, Red Bull Energy Drink, Rhodia Pharma, and has won wide acclaim from customers.Guided by independent innovation, the company establishes close cooperation with many world-leading suppliers of laboratory equipment, always pays close attention to the latest developments in the field of international laboratory construction, and accurately grasps international-level laboratory design concepts. Relying on rich experiences, the company is committed to building specialized laboratories, and providing technical support for the sustainable development of economy and society and the construction of innovation-oriented country. 查看詳細
工商信息Business information
經營狀態 存續 天眼評分


注冊資本 5500萬人民幣 人員規模 -
實繳資本 0 工商注冊號 110113021759528 組織機構代碼 MA007BA0-9
統一社會信用代碼 91110113MA007BA09U 納稅人識別號 91110113MA007BA09U 營業期限
企業類型 有限責任公司(自然人投資或控股) 行業 科技推廣和應用服務業 核準日期
參保人數 0 登記機關 北京市順義區市場監督管理局
曾用名 北京布蘭斯文儀家具有限公司;北京智朗家具有限公司; 英文別稱
注冊地址 北京市順義區林河經濟開發區林河大街22號院12號樓2層201室(科技創新功能區)
經營范圍 技術開發、技術咨詢、技術轉讓、技術推廣、技術服務;信息咨詢(不含中介);勞務分包;產品設計;工程管理服務;銷售家具、I類、II類醫療器械、環保設備、制冷設備、儀器儀表、機械設備、服裝鞋帽、家用電器、通信設備、燈具、針紡織品、皮革制品、衛生間用具、體育用品(不含弩)、日用品、塑料制品、門窗、工藝品(不含文物、象牙及其制品)、機械設備、電子產品、計算機輔助設備;承辦展覽展示;家具維修;技術進出口;施工總承包、專業承包;建設工程勘察;工程設計。(市場主體依法自主選擇經營項目,開展經營活動;施工總承包、專業承包、建設工程勘察、工程設計以及依法須經批準的項目,經相關部門批準后依批準的內容開展經營活動;不得從事國家和本市產業政策禁止和限制類項目的經營活動。)
股東信息Shareholder information
序號 股東(發起人) 持股比例 認繳出資額 認繳出資日期
50% 2750萬人民幣 2065-08-01
50% 2750萬人民幣 2065-08-01
專利信息Patent Information
序號 申請日 專利名稱 專利類型 申請號 公開(公布)號 公開(公告)日




資質證書qualification certificate
證書圖片 名稱 發證機構 生效日期 截止日期  
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